Sonntag, 23. September 2012

**~**Fantastic formal**~**

Last Friday night was the Year 11 formal. It was an amazing event, but completely different to the german formal.
The theme was fairytale, which you could recognize in the really fantastic decoration (plants, white round arches). Furthermore they played the "Snow White" cartoon movie in the background. The Year 13 girls, who helped preparing the formal were dressed up as Snow White, Prince and King.

I got ready at Kie's house and it was funny :) Her host parents are very nice and we ate something asian... Her host sister Sandy helped us to do make up and hair. It took a while to do my hair, but finally she plaited (geflochten) my hair.

Kie, Honuka and I at the entrance :)
At the beginning you had to put your jackets and clutches in the Chapel and if i have had a partner I would introduced him to a very strict teacher in front of the entrance door.
We weren't allowed to drink alcohol before, during or after the formal, otherwise we wouldn't be able to go to the formal.
Unfortunately a lot kiwi boys and girls didn't dance, but we (germans) danced. The music was good, but the best part of the formal was probably the photo room, where photos were taken.
They had a separate room with a castle background and our Photography teacher took photos of everyone who wanted a photo.
They had crowns and swords to dress up as well.
When I became a bit tired from dancing and standing on my shoes (they weren't very high, but anyway I almost died) I went outside where they had prepared banks and heaters to cool down a little.
They also had little snacks.

The formal ended at 11 pm, so it took only 3 hours, quite short compared to Germany, but we weren't allowed to organise a after- party, because not everyone was already 16 years old.

Kie's host mum picked us up and when I arrived at home my biggest wish was "put of the shoes and go to bed" :) When I went to bed, I immediately fell asleep...

That was an awesome night and I would like to do it again!!!

Christina and me :)

Zoe and me :)

German girls with Harriet and Katy :)
Karri, Alice and I :)

Harriet and me :)

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