Sonntag, 9. September 2012

Beach day!

Last Friday was an amazing day, I had so much fun at the beach with Christina :)
It was a really nice and warm day, probably 22 degrees.  We had only half day school and immediately after chapel we changed and went to the beach...

I have to say on the photos the water looks beautiful and it seems as it is warm, but that's not true. :)
It was sooo cold, maximal 15 degrees and our feet almost died, but I wanted to go/swim one time in the Pazific or Indian ocean (I've no idea which it is) and it was the perfect day!
I think the other people thought we were some weird tourists, when we ran screaming in the ice cold water :0

One highlight at the end was a seal laying in the sand, quite far from the sea. We weren't sure if it was dead or not, but then it started blinking and moved its head. It was so cute and I had to force me not to touch it, because you never no.. It was still a wild animal.

Look at the background xD

2 Kommentare:

  1. Tolle Fotos! Sieht aus als ob es dir in NZ sehr gut gefaellt :)

  2. Hallo Maxine,
    mach weiter so, Dein blog ist super. Ich habe ihn schon vielen Bekannten gezeigt!
    Liebe Grüße Hürth
