Montag, 19. November 2012

weekend 10th and 11th November

That Sturday I visited my friends Karri and Alice at the school's hostel. But first I had a the problem to even find the place. I took the wrong street as long as I finally noticed that it was not the right one I was totally exhausted, because I had to walk back all the way.
The hostel is so cool, everybody is relaxed, you have a lot of space to spread out and you are always together with your friends. Best thing ever: they have a outdoor swimming pool! We wanted to swim but the water was ectually pretty cold and we just decided to try throwing each other in. We had a lot of fun, but I had to leave quite early again because they were going some study for their exams.
On Sunday it was the 11th November but I did nothing I actually forgot about it until I saw all the photos from my German classmates on Fb.

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